Cutting corners...

I've always been penny wise and pound foolish. I still remember how I used to take money from mom in order to have dinner out with friends and would end up having a Rs.20 pav-bhaji (with no extra pav, they used to cost 3 bucks each) and I'd make a neat profit of 20 odd bucks.. I never knew what I was saving for, never managed to make a fortune out of it, but nevertheless, kept on cutting the corners to such an extent that a point came where only a point remained.

Even today, when I have dinner outside (out of compulsion, rather than choice) I have a paratha or a puri... I scrap off the upper layer, eat it like a roti and then eat the base... serves absolutely no purpose except giving me a feel as if I've had two rotis instead of one.

What am i doing at 4:30 in the morning? haven't slept a wink all night.... at some level, its just a naive attempt to remain awake for a night and day to get the feeling that I've lived two days instead of one... just imagine... had there been no punctuation mark would you know where one statement ended and other began... sleep is a way in which the body and the mind tell each other that a day has ended and new day begins... what happens when one become emotionally attached to a specific day?

And thus begins, the process of cutting corners all over again...

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