I read a lot from a lot of non-conventional media... I seldom remember the person from whom the quote originated, but I always remember the quote.. Sometimes, its so brilliant that a misconception arises... A misconception that so original a thought, could have existed only in the realms of my own intelligence. As if I had always thought of it, I had just waited for someone else to draft it into words. Just the other day I read the wonderful quote "every time the radius of my knowledge increase, so does the circumference of ignorance"... Like I said, the origin of the quote is seldom remembered.
By any stretch of imagination, I have been quite irregular about updating my blog. At some level, I feel that its because I've become too critical of myself. At some point this heady cocktail of adulation (both self and from others) and this constant sense of wanting to better my ownself, has brought me to a stage where I cant write anything that surprises me. As if, in the time that lapses between the point where I think of something to where i eventually type it out, that idea has lost all relevance. On many occasions, I had to backspace all the words that I drawled on to the notepad (somehow the idea of ctrl+A and delete never interested me, the very idea of seeing your idea disintegrating with every click of the button, has given me a high).
I had a queer childhood where I read history books while others were reading comics... Used to finish of the various chapter of the English textbook even before the summer break got over... so at the time of exams, I used to prepare for the essays.. I guess I'd ve been the only guy in my school to have a book on how to write essays. Even if there were others, I never knew... One such book started with the foreword that I've never managed to forget. "An essay is nothing but a loose sally of mind, a vomit of thoughts on to a sheet of paper".... How true! and isn't it true for blogs as well?...
A blog is never supposed to make sense in the original draft... the beauty of a classic is that it is interpreted in a different way by every person who reads it... sometimes, you need to bear a child and leave it to the nature to make what it wants to make of it. And without much further ado, I present to you, my sally of mind..
Thumbs up!!!....