
In a world getting flatter and smaller, space is the final frontier. Day in and day out, we jostle for that illusive space - for privacy, for passion, for intimacy, for introspection. A bubble where we can be ourselves, irrespective of how undesirable and unfortunate an outcome it may be. 

The most intimate and basic unit of space that one strives for, is home. It represents our earliest and the most cherished memories, and also holds the promise of posterity and legacy. It encompasses the plushness of a palace with the security of a fort; it dovetails the fantasies of childhood with the successes of adult life. 
A home transcends the four walls of a house. It is where all roads lead to - a place we are programmed to reach even when our mind is busy thinking about other things in life. Its warmth is evident even before we enter it; the surging pride that one gets when one glances at the nameplate, prominently displaying one's own name or that of a loved one.

Metaphorically named, the living room is the space where everything has a place and there is a place for everything. It represents an area that defies the notion of things being beyond our control. It is our island in the midst of a tumultuous sea of uncertainty; a constant source of respite from the humdrum of everyday life. It is the first and, most often, the only area of a home that is laid open to the prying eyes of the outside world and it is appropriately (but more often, inappropriately) embellished to serve that very purpose. The living room is also a fulcrum in the work-life balance; where the balance finally tilts towards life. 
The kitchen is a magical room where ingredients and spices are combined in time-tested cauldrons, stirred with passion and served with love to not only satisfy the stomach but also satiate the soul. It is a treasure trove of utensils and secret recipes that are passed on from one generation to another. We all have a tarnished aluminium spoon that we were fed baby food with, and it still makes food taste uniquely delicious; or a steel 'tumbler' (sic, TamBram-ism) with an unevenly rounded bottom that we have grown to accept and love in spite of its deficient posture.

For a hard day's night, we have the bedroom. The holiest of holies, the sanctum sanctorum, a sanctuary for the beast that inhabits us - it is also where we uninhibitedly exhibit love; love for a person, a book, music or even some midnight comfort food. It is here where we live out our fantasies – we even describe our beds rather euphemistically as 'king-sized' or 'queen-sized'.

And finally, there is the bathroom; the place where one truly awakens after waking up. It is a bathtub for every Archimedes's Eureka and a seat for every Rodin's Thinker. It is the place where all ideas strike and also where most of our days are planned. And although I don't have any statistical evidence to back this; it is a reading library for quite a few of us.

Our home is the sum total of all the sweat, tears and toil that we put in throughout our lives. A small piece of land that we can proudly call our own and a roof that seemingly shuts off the sky. 
This is a semi-distilled compilation of the myriad thoughts that came to me, when I thought of home. All these statements may or may not stand cohesively to form or carry forward a thought. They were never intended to.

Two points on a line

We started life together... 
I remember nothing before you came.. 
We walked a lot of distance.. 
Fought like foes but remained the same.. 

I know not where the fork emerged.. 
And our lives parted ways... 
I think I see you at the horizon.. 
I, too, may seem like haze.. 

Let's walk towards the Sun.. 
And hope that our paths may twine.. 
And if serendipity strikes, we'll know.. 
That we were always two points on a line.. 

Inspired from 'The Dangling Conversation' by Simon & Garfunkel.