Remember Remember

Remember Remember 
The 8th Of November 
The #DeMon is now 5-years old.. 
Let's take a moment to remember all the promises we were sold..
The black changed hands and retained its hue..
While the ones in queue stood without a clue.. 
The posterboy grinned from the jacket ad
For he had had his way..
Is it just a coincidence that an IPO opened today?

8th November, 2021

Once a quitter

Just about a year since my last post on this blog, which incidentally ended quite abruptly without even bothering to chart my complete recovery. Apologies for the cliffhanger ending. Happy to report that I survived. 

That said, a lot did happen during this period -- from a cancer in the family (which seems to have ended quite peacefully *fingers crossed*) to a job change (I'm a born-again copywriter now, yayy!). In the midst of all this, the blog took the backseat. 

Well, being busy was not the only reason. I realise now that I had painted myself into a corner by expecting a bit too much out of my blog. Every post *needed* to have that wow factor, infused (sometimes forced) humor, word play, 'singing' sentences etc etc. And also, each one had to be better than the last one. I'd ended up making my blog a treatise, rather than a loose sally of my mind. And it was getting tiring. Hence, the limbo.

And then two things happened in quick succession over the last two days. 

First, a cousin with whom I'd not spoken to since a long time just called me out of the blue (because, Diwali) and during the course of the conversation he told me how much he and his family liked my blogs and talk about it often. How the frequency of my blogging has gone down.. well, you get the picture.. And second, a friend shared her blog with me and I realised how beautifully and effortlessly she had expressed herself using simple, free-flowing sentences and honest & unencumbered thoughts... And I began to wonder how liberating it must feel to just wring your heart out every once in a while. Concentrating on what needs to be said, rather than how it is being said.

I am a frequent quitter. I have done this in the past as well. Taking long breaks and then finding inspirations for a few more posts before hibernating again. I really don't know how different this time would be. Errr.. so.. I'm just a boy, typing in front of you the reader, asking for your patience. Thank you.