In Memoriam: Jet Airways

In a world where everything changes, Jet was a constant – at least for me; at least till yesterday. The first flight of my life was on a Jet (circa 1995-96) from Baroda to Mumbai. I was a precocious 10-year old enamoured by the idea of my first flight… and more importantly, I was looking forward to the meal!

And what an experience it was! A tray of food accompanied with steel cutlery – a bowl of cut fruits, a cupcake, a plastic cup for tea or coffee; all served with a smile by a team dressed impeccably. I hardly remember the take-off and the landing, but I remember that meal. I also remember stuffing the cupcake and that steel butter knife in my bag for posterity. I also remember my uncle looking at the stash and remarking sarcastically that there must also been have a tray to take away and me thinking in dismay “oh shucks! What a miss!

Since then, there were a number of flights taken and a decent number of miles flown. Many competitors came and were put to use – Kingfisher had a lovely air crew (personally chosen by Mr. Mallya, no less) and some seriously good food; Indigo had quirky and smart messaging across the flight (though they were horribly stingy with that exorbitant sandwich and cup noodles); there was also this one (and sadly only one) experience with Emirates that involved a fair bit of high spirits. But Jet was always special. Jet was always a full-service airline that dispensed its service well. Whenever the budget permitted and the stars aligned, it was the chosen one and it almost never disappointed.

It is rather unfortunate that constancy as a virtue is seldom given its due. Also, unfortunate that eulogies are almost always kinder and more eloquent than testimonials. Oh well… Off you fly into that great big blue sky, Jet. You will be remembered, as firsts often are.