I think I lost something...

Major Edward A. Murphy, Jr. was a development engineer in the Rocket Sled experiments being conducted by US Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base in the later part of 1940s..... But we don't know him for that.... we know him for the famous "Murphy's Laws"..... A series of sayings or mis-sayings which are inadvertently attributed to his genius.....

It all started with "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong"....... then the series grew..... Everyone likes passing out wisecracks.... its like passing gas.... you just cant hold it in..... but when its out, this almost always results in an embarrassing situation.... so we start looking at the next available fat guy around us... And there is always a fat guy around!!!.....thats the case with wisecracks too... they have a tendency to boomerang....... so people conveniently, donate their illegitimate sayings to the parentage of poor old Murphy!!...... one such gem is "You'll always find what you are looking for, at the least expected place you expected it to be"....... so the documents you need are always the last one in the stack.... the coin will always roll to such a deep crevice beneath the refrigerator, that you feel that you'll reach China if you go a little further!!......We can generalize this to the people in our lives too.....

We always find the people we need, at the least expected place, at the least expected time and under the least expected situation...... it could be the nerd you see on the first bench of the class... it could be the bully, whom you may have only seen through the web of your fingers covering your face in trepidation..... you may find a hero in your Dad.... or your best friend in your mom.... you may find long life support in your no-good siblings.....

But there are certain rules to this.....You cannot preconceive the inevitable by looking first at the place you least expected.... because....... A) you never know your least expected place till you actually come across it... and B) because wisecracks stop working when people become wise!.......... So we are supposed to go on looking...... and hoping that the place we see next... is the place we least expected.

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